Tuesday, 29 July 2008


I wasn’t born
out of nothing, of everything
in general.
My specific conception was warm,
and soft, and painful.

At the mountain where
mum was slaughtered
I stop for a second
staring at trains, holding a tear.
Lavaca mooed back at 2 poems from the "Manyoushuu" anthology (ca. 759):
number 352 by Sami Mansei and number 208, anonymous.

Saturday, 26 July 2008


I’m flattered that you, woman,
flew your way here in freedom,
spontaneous, with no orders;
now dark, now white,
sick now, now blue,
now blue, no more;
but so’s our female
nature, and so are us!

In swirl and change, don’t rush!
Stare instead and suck the moment in.
Do as you will! Do as you will!
And don’t betray your skin
if sometimes blue comes back -

just let it pass, my friend, and go ahead!

Lavaca mooed back at "Die Freuden" (1827) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.